Bizarre Foods

     The strangest thing that I have eaten would probably have to be alligator, which I had when I was down in Florida a few years ago.  I cannot really think of anything too weird that I know of other people eating, except maybe my dad, who I'm pretty sure told me that he has had fried squirrel before.  I think people around the world eat different kinds of things because early on, the people that shared their culture tried different things and decided to keep consuming them.  I think with just about everything that is edible, it all depends on how it is fixed/cooked.  Certain species that we Americans would find completely abnormal to our diets, could get fixed in a way that we like, therefore we could like it without knowing that we would otherwise not eat it.

    One of the videos that I watched on the Bizarre Foods website, was with Andrew Zimmern eating poisonous toads in Australia.  I found the video to be quite intriguing, I mean eating a species that is poisonous probably is not the easiest thing to work with.  As I watched the part where the toads were getting cooked, I thought that I would probably be open to trying it.  It looked as if the toad meat was prepared/fried like chicken, not that it would taste that way though.

    Looking at what people will eat in the future, especially through the continued interconnectedness through globalization, it will be interesting to see how much diets around the world change.  Part of the reason why diets are not the same around the world is because of the isolation of people/culture in certain parts of the world.  Then the other part I would say is the unwillingness for certain things to be acceptable for eating in new places.  The way in which food is prepared is very critical, at least I think, in how much it is consumed.  As we move into the future I think slowly places like America will become more open to foreign diets and delicacies.  I do also think that there will always be some distinct differences about diets all around the world, regardless of how interconnected the world becomes.

Deep-Fried Cane Toads With Rice
(Doesn't look bad at all if you ask me)

Posted by Stephen Kuske Thursday, April 29, 2010


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